RaveNew York Journal of BooksA gifted author ... Tuck creates masterful images of her real-life teenaged protagonist ... A relatively short novel that is packed with knowledge, memories, and hardship. And while historical fiction and memoirs do not require it, Tuck provides page references. Her depth of research and attention to detail is superb.
Jim Shepard
RaveNew York Journal of Books... completely believable, totally absorbing, and fast-paced ... Shepard composes in an extremely concise manner, with few wasted words. His writing is cohesive and succinct, which works very well in a sci-fi novel. Shepard has certainly done his homework. The science is realistic, clear, and well-researched ... Shepard pulls no punches...placing the reader in the minds of researchers whose job is to stop a ruthless pandemic ... Whether Jim Shepard is a prophet or just a great writer with a clever concept, we’ll probably never really know. But if you are seeking a fast-paced, gripping story with dangerous consequences and implications in our lives today, this is your book.
Eoin Colfer
PositiveNew York Journal of BooksAuthor Eoin Colfer has a solid instinct for the vernacular, pronunciation, and dialogue of the language of America’s deep south, a talent perhaps made all the more unlikely from someone born, raised, and living in Ireland. His animated images of inhabitants of a backward Louisiana bayou is accurate and very well applied ... the author also creates evocative and haunting scenes, along with well-developed characters bound to eternal good and evil. The author has created sophisticated and well-designed protagonists, cloaked in very appropriate personas and with accurate bayou dialog. Unfortunately, the secondary characters are less fully developed ... This type of editing is useful for the sake of brevity, but not much else ... The book’s realism, corruption, vulgar dialogue, and criminal characters, suggests this book is unlikely to be referred to as \'classic literary fiction.\' Yet it is thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining. Eoin Colfer’s specialty is magical realism, and it shines through this entire tale.
Norman Lebrecht
RaveThe New York Journal of BooksAmong the plethora of books about Jewish history, Genius & Anxiety shines as a beacon of deeply researched historical accuracy. This intensely absorbing chronicle of notable Jews who changed the world in positive, meaningful ways will stand the test of time and investigation ... While this marvelous text must certainly become a standard university textbook, filled with detailed and profound data, it also reads like novel, evocative and exciting. The author becomes your friendly, knowledgeable tour guide to history. Through the author’s depth of inquiry into these historical Jewish figures, we come to value their individual and collective contributions ... This book is a celebration of Jewish genius within a century of increasing anti-Semitism ... proffers the path of Jews in shaping the world we live in today ... This book shines a light upon the contributions of one remarkable culture, without which our world would appear very different today.
Marc Weitzmann
PositiveThe New York Journal of BooksWeitzmann’s excellent book is a stellar focus upon the major influences producing an increase in anti-Semitism in France during the past 30 years. Thanks to the author’s careful research, Hate is more than an analysis of recent anti-Semitic attacks. It has become a signpost, signaling where terrorists might strike next ... The author attempts to leverage his family’s experiences related to fighting anti-Semitism, with his general political and social research and useful interviews with key players. While a noble effort, it falls a little flat due to inadequate relevancy. The influence of the author’s family just did not appear highly germane. In terms of editing, this book would be enhanced with the addition of visual aids, including diagrams and links to relevant videos of anti-Semitic acts. Otherwise, the translation and editing appear quite solid ... The author’s research is spot on and relevant. His writing is swift, vital and enlightening. Jews are not safe in France and elsewhere today. Marc Weitzmann has given us a blueprint of dangerous religious hatred that harkens to the Holocaust, with a promise of terror yet to come.