RaveWashington Independent Review of BooksAt 400 pages, Glory is also more than triple the length of Animal Farm and much more ambitious, rife with themes of sorcery and the supernatural, tribalism, and the subjugation of women ... While Bulawayo’s peppering of the text with non-English words — such as \'tholukuthi,\' a Zulu word used for emphasis — might prove distracting to some readers, one doesn’t need to know their literal translation to follow the book’s trajectory. Even more accessible is the humor she manages to find amid the darkness, usually used to mock the animals in charge ... Ultimately, despite the crushing of every act of resistance and a final, poignant tragedy, Bulawayo imagines a better life for her characters. One can only hope it will manifest for real Zimbabweans, as it is long overdue. Imaginative, sweeping, hard-hitting, eye-opening, and unabashedly political, Glory is an important read.