PositiveThe Times (UK)Impressive ... I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the psychology at the centre of the story, but The Silent Patient is intelligent, imaginative and a terrific read.
Philip Kerr
PositiveThe Times (UK)Kerr conducted prodigious and meticulous research. The backdrop of every Gunther novel is accompanied by a touch of a history lesson, subtly delivered, so that it does not interrupt the plot and action. What of Bernie Gunther the man? On the surface he’s a self-serving cynic, often rough in attitude and behaviour, with a mordant sense of humor ... Greeks Bearing Gifts demonstrates all Gunther’s failings and redeeming qualities.
Mick Herron
RaveThe TimesHerron manages to make his characters amusing, to devise a twisting-turning plot that is much more than a receptacle for one-liners and witticisms, to introduce serious and satirical political and social issues, and to blend the whole concoction with pungent dialogue and superb writing ... His plots, which are about crime rather than espionage, are ridiculously exaggerated and hugely funny. His characters are mostly unpleasant, corrupt or criminal—or wanting to be. They seek sex and fortune and talk incessantly and brilliantly ... In London Rules he has combined the essence of perpetual humour with a background of reality. He may make us laugh on every page, but he also makes us think.