MixedThe Guardian (UK)...the book’s first half unfolds like an exquisitely curated Tumblr blog, with a scroll of beautifully juxtaposed snapshots of the young, newly wealthy and utterly absurd ... It’s in the second half that the book feels frustratingly, and at times startlingly, thin. Wiener’s admission that she did not like to think about the societal implications of her choices is inadequate, and the degree to which aesthetic judgments supersede ethical or moral considerations grows wearying ... I found myself struggling to swallow bitter ironies about human suffering as eagerly as I had witty remarks about bespoke cocktails and startup office furnishings. The amoral cocoon within which Wiener and the rest of the tech industry reside is pierced with greater frequency as the book proceeds towards the November 2016 election ... the book feels less like an outsider’s account and more like an insider’s unwitting confession.