When the offices of a Munich newspaper are bombed at the beginning of World War Two, Willi Geismeier investigates. As it gets political, however, he is taken off the case. Willi continues to ask questions, but when his pursuit of the truth itself becomes a crime, his career – and his life – are in grave danger.
Mr. Steiner brings this frightening period to life through well-drawn characters we come to care about. In documenting the theft of a nation’s soul, he tells a human story. The Good Cop is a humdinger.
In a disturbing, menacing novel featuring courageous, believable characters, Steiner tells a thought-provoking story of the importance of a free press when a country and its justice system are in upheaval ... Strongly recommended for all readers interested in this era or in a free press. Fans of Rebecca Cantrell’s Hannah Vogel series will recognize the bleak atmosphere.
... impressive ... Steiner has pulled off a crime story and a procedural in the frame of a historical novel ... A precisely written, carefully plotted novel, all the more dramatic for its understated tone.