A sports journalist explores the inside story of the New England Patriots, an underdog team until 1994, when Robert Kraft acquired the franchise and turned it into a juggernaut by bringing on coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady.
... a marvelously told story of the New England Patriots ... sports fans who revel in the 'what if' game have countless opportunities to observe how one deviation along the historical path might have changed the course of professional football history ... Benedict does not shy away from their dark side ... You don’t need be a sports fan to enjoy this masterpiece study of a successful sports franchise ... With substantial research, great attention to detail and superb writing, The Dynasty is a book worthy of the team it chronicles.
This definitive look at the controversial two-decade run of success of the New England Patriots is not an exposé of scandals; while the author covers Spygate and Deflategate, he does not find much evidence of negative behavior to overshadow the team's success .... A well-written look of the Patriot dynasty that should be in demand by football fans, though it would not preclude a more gridiron-focused take on how the dynasty was constructed and maintained.