In the latest thriller featuring the legendary Boston PI, Spenser and his young protâegâe Mattie Sullivan take on billionaire money manager running a network of underaged girls for his rich and powerful clients.
... a wildly entertaining novel...featuring a ripped-from-the-headlines story with all the trademark wry humor, Boston shenanigans, and juxtaposition of violence and sophistication one associates with this property ... If Someone to Watch Over Me is representative of the Spenser oeuvre, then I have certainly been missing out! Fast-paced and thrilling with just the right amounts of humor and pathos to make our protagonists feel more like real people than two-dimensional characters on a page, this was far more entertaining than my hazy memories of the TV show had led me to hope ... Mr. Atkins has written a timely, satisfying novel that has certainly made me a Spenser fan! I’m already eager for the next installment in the series so I can enjoy spending more time with these engaging characters as well as see them embroiled in truly topical issues. In the meantime, I have a rich back catalog to make my way through as I learn more about the terrific Spenser universe.
Atkins continues to do the late author proud. Atkins again captures the Boston PI’s brash, principled, action-oriented personality to near-perfection, complete with Spenser’s signature smart-alecky humor ... With similarities to the Jeffrey Epstein case adding resonance, the talented Atkins delivers another engrossing thriller.
The ripped-from-the-headlines plot doesn’t generate much suspense, and pulled punches dilute what could have been a memorable climax. Atkins seems to be going through the motions in this one.