A year in the life of New York City’s premier beekeeper, who chronicles his adventures and the quirky personalities he encounters while spreading his knowledge of and passion for the remarkable honey bee.
Coté conveys one adventure after another ... He tells one lighthearted anecdote after another ... Everything is told with Coté’s light touch and excellent comic timing ... this book is fun, a near perfect bee-ch book (no, I will not apologize) for the summer.
... Coté chronicles a year of hard work, adventure and just plain fun ... His easygoing narrative, recounting his apian experience from his childhood in Connecticut to his current position as president of the New York City Beekeepers Association, will educate and entertain even the most bee-phobic reader ... [Coté] demonstrates the ability to make a complex subject clear while adding enough humor to make it engaging ... thanks to this delightful memoir, readers will have a new appreciation for these complex insects and the humans who care for them.
... charming ... Fascinating, not only for the beekeeping information, but also for the urban-wildlife interactions involving bees. A good companion for anyone contemplating apiculture.