Kumar took for granted her immersion in a lush natural world. After moving to North America as a teenager, she found herself increasingly distanced from more than human life, and discouraged by the civilization she saw contributing to its destruction. It was only in her twenties, living in Los Angeles and working on films, that she began to rediscover her place in the landscape—and in the cosmos—by way of watching birds.
Luminous ... While it reflects concern with the ravages of climate change and humanity’s part in the crisis that the planet is facing, Conversations with Birds also points to a solution: forming a deep, personal relationship with the natural world and its creatures—one strong and vital enough to impel immediate action on their behalf.
Sparkling ... Kumar’s reflections are rendered in elegant prose and are rich with vivid descriptions ... These outstanding reflections will inspire and enlighten, and are perfect for readers of Diane Ackerman.