... doesn't shy away from the devastation of COVID-19 — but it's simply the springboard, born of Picoult's enforced isolation, for a tale of self-discovery ... Picoult abandons her usual stylistic tricks — except for one big one — and it makes for a satisfying and thought-provoking narrative of a woman whose entire ecosystem has shifted. The truth of Diana's story is revealed in her heart-to-heart with her new young confidante.
... powerful ... Stealthily surprising and very moving, Picoult’s latest, written while she was confined at home during the pandemic, taps into the trauma and uncertainty of 2020’s global crisis. Absolutely a must-read.
There haven’t yet been many covid-19-inspired novels—thank goodness—which makes Jodi Picoult’s feat in Wish You Were Here all the more remarkable: She pulls off a pandemic twist that, even after two years of nonstop real-life twists, still manages to bewilder ... There are unreliable narrators—which a discerning reader has at least a shot at detecting—and then there’s this trickery ... By all means, Diana, refocus your life! Pledge to be kinder. Volunteer. Live truthfully and admirably. What doesn’t make sense is suddenly falling out of love with the long-term partner you were, a mere month or two ago, crazy about. But that’s exactly what happens ... Diana’s abrupt turn against Finn felt nonsensical; Picoult didn’t make a compelling case why we should root against him, or against them together.
... beguiling ... While a major plot twist feels both contrived and implausible, it serves to examine how catastrophes can strain the characters’ relationships while time apart can inspire complex soul-searching. As always, Picoult is eminently readable, though even the author’s fans will find some of this wanting.