Many and wondrous are the charms of this witty, suspenseful and enchanting book ... One eagerly awaits whatever brainteasing concoction Ms. Jacobs comes up with next.
Although not a scientist by training, Jacobs exhibits keen insights into the minds and practical lifestyles of the professional physics researcher. Her book gives us verisimilitude with panache ... The Stars Turned Inside Out provides both intellectual and visceral thrills.
Jacobs delves into subjects as deep as the nature of the universe and the space-time continuum and as quotidian as romantic love and professional jealousy, giving careful readers much to contemplate.
Jacobs... assembles all the ingredients for a distinctly different murder mystery, but it doesn’t quite gel. The talk about science is interesting, but the characters don’t come alive, there isn’t much ambience, and the plot moves ahead mechanically.
Engrossing ... Jacobs bestows even minor characters with such convincing motives that the plot’s momentum never slows, no matter how complex things get.