Eltahawy's rage permeates the pages of this book—her manifesto ... The overall narrative creates a seemingly bleak picture of the state of women's rights around the world. Unlike many current feminist titles, the author does not position the United States as front and center ... Admittedly, due to the author's literary style and editorial approach, this book won't be for everyone. Some readers may be uncomfortable with the book's generous amount of profanity ... Eltahawy is thought-provoking and uncompromising. Young women who especially respond to Eltahawy's voice can use the author's ideas to create their own brand of feminism.
A striking anti-patriarchal manifesto ... Eltahawy is at her most controversial when discussing what she believes are the leveling benefits of physical violence in the face of patriarchal crimes. Sprinkled throughout the narrative are moving personal stories, histories, and profiles that further reinforce her plan to dismantle the rampant injustices against women. The author’s prose is feverishly enthusiastic and laser-focused, powered by teenage emotional trauma ... Her urgent narrative encourages women of all ages to resist classic compartmentalization and to raise their voices and demand equality within every sector of society ... A vociferous, highly motivational call to arms for the feminist movement.
Eltahawy’s arguments come through with as much intelligence and clarity as passion and evocative imagery; they are built on facts about racism, capitalism, and homophobia, as well as her own and others’ experiences. Eltahawy not only gives frustrated women permission, but demands that they 'defy, disobey, and disrupt.' This bold, rampaging manifesto is far past the edge of mainstream feminism, but it’s so viscerally motivational that even those more moderately inclined may find themselves intrigued.