Green’s work is smart, sharp and smoothly written ... Convincingly, Green argues that neo-liberalism is in retrograde and that Biden is more a transitional figure than a harbinger of what comes next.
The weakness of Mr. Green’s book is that he avoids discussion of the changing culture of the party in favor of changes in policy orientation ... Even so, Mr. Green provides one of the best and most readable overviews of the Democrats’ evolution on economic issues over the past half-century.
A clear and satisfying narrative of the last 15 years of Democratic politics. Yet the book’s near-singular focus on only the highest-profile elected leaders unfortunately ignores a great many of the forces that have fought to shape the future of the broader political left—and are fighting still. By looking more closely at reformers than at rebels, The Rebels narrates a "struggle for a new American politics," but not the struggle.
Green’s account of the Democrats’ populist renewal is sharpest on neoliberalism’s rise and its failures over the past forty years. About the politicians who grace his subtitle and cover – Sanders, Warren and Ocasio-Cortez – he tells us little new and leaves not a little out.