If you don’t like being surprised by books, then Kevin A. Muñoz’s debut novel The Post is not the book for you. If, however, you are a fan of adrenaline-packed, post-apocalyptic mystery and adventure, then it might just be right up your alley ... a celebration of the sci-fi and action genres, but it is not captive to them ... a perfect blend of action and mystery, part revenge tale and part chase ... It’s worth nothing that many post-apocalyptic novels are described as gritty and visceral, but that Muñoz’s work takes that description to a new level ... visceral to the point of being uncomfortable ... Just when you think you’ve gotten everything figured out, Muñoz hands out a piece of information that you could have never anticipated, but that you realize in retrospect was awaiting you the entire time. The only thing you’ll complain about at the end is that it wasn’t longer.
Debut author Muñoz paints a bleak picture of morality in a postapocalyptic world, and his narrator is continually wrangling with self-doubt in regard to maintaining a moral foundation in dire times. The body count is high in this tense and bloody story, and although there are zombies, it will appeal to readers who enjoy postapocalyptic fiction that presents the best and worst of society.
Violent, ambitious, and often preachy ... Rife with stomach-wrenching sorties against invading hollow-heads, this novel bitterly explores how a remnant of humanity can abandon its conscience for dark rewards. In ambivalent, constantly self-recriminating, and guilt-ridden Sam, it also traces a stubborn human refusal to abandon one’s post, and the insistence on atoning for losses that can never be regained. Prosaic supporting characters do little to expand this grim tale.