The Future Was Color probes evergreen postwar themes like McCarthyism and the specter of nuclear holocaust but... expresses meaning more through sensibility than through content. Mr. Nathan’s style channels a kind of rapturous Fitzgeraldian opulence, where loneliness is romantic, disenchantment beautiful and the world exists in sensuous splendor.
Nathan... writes with the eloquence of a nimble mind working at the height of his power ... Profound, life-affirming, and splendidly seductive, The Future Was Color deserves to become a new lodestar in the ever-expanding constellation of gay literature.
The message here is that the fear of loneliness and annihilation are universal and existential while happiness and love, however fleeting, are available to all. Ambitious, perspicacious, and humane.
Nathan nimbly interweaves the period’s zeitgeist into the narrative ... The hopscotch structure dilutes some of the emotional impact, though each episode captivates.