Gardiner weaves a suspenseful and horrifying tale that focuses on solving the crime rather than diving into gruesome and gratuitous details. Caitlin’s expertise and background bring a strong emotional hook to the story line. As the pursuit escalates, so do the surprises, right up to the shocking last page. Gardiner’s writing is lyrical and cinematic, and the final result is her best novel to date.
Readers of the first two Hendrix novels won’t be surprised to hear that the story in this suspenseful thriller is exquisitely constructed. No by-the-numbers thriller here; this one definitely lives up to its predecessors ... Gardiner is on a roll with this series, gathering fans with each installment like a snowball gathering mass as it rumbles down a hill.
Gardiner expertly deals with a serial killer and the FBI analysis that leads to this individual’s eventual capture ... the story never slows down for a second ... shows off Gardiner's impressive knowledge of behavioral analysis and all the technology, ballistics and forensics that go into a modern-day pursuit of the baddest of the bad guys who are out there. It is a lesson in investigatory work and a master class in how to write a nail-biter of a suspense novel.
Gardiner’s latest is yet another terrific – and terrifying – chapter in her UNSUB (unknown subject) series, currently being developed by Amazon Studios for our small-screen delectation.
Determined that she won’t be outmaneuvered by a killer who’s dramatically stepped up the pace of his murderous attacks, breached his self-imposed limits, and now threatens her star witness with abduction and worse,[Caitlin Hendrix] hunkers down to catch a quarry whom she says is 'like nothing I’ve ever dealt with'—as if she doesn’t know that descriptions like that just set the bar even higher for the inevitable sequel ... Gardiner has mastered the art of the serial-killer saga without an ounce of fat.
Edgar-winner Gardiner stumbles in her derivative third thriller starring FBI agent Caitlin Hendrix ... The psychology is less than impressive ... Staccato prose doesn’t help ... This is an uninspired effort that’s best for readers who have never read a similar book before.