Detailed and haunting ... A beautifully written, immensely powerful and subtly ingenious novel. Its greatest — which is to say, most monstrous — revelations are so discreetly offered that you could miss them; but when you realize them, they practically take your breath away. They did mine. And when I turned the last page, I just sat there, utterly stunned by this novel’s terrible force.
Mordant, masterful ... The story may be dark but each sentence sparkles; there's even a pornographic paragraph that ruts and grunts its way into poetry ... Exquisite prose. Spellbinding drama.
Stunning ... 'Masterpiece' is a glib word and one that is thrown-around all too casually, but here it seems to fit: The Adversary is a masterpiece, plain and simple.
The sheer energy of the novel never flags. It’s the latest superb effort by an author who couldn’t be more deserving of greater recognition beyond his native Canada. An enthralling masterpiece.