“Fong’s fine book is a moving and at times harrowing account of the significance of decisions taken by a small coterie of men (no women) with too much faith in science and ideology, and too little in humanity.”
“A timely, important work that takes stock of the one-child policy’s damage…Unfortunately Ms. Fong’s personal story…is overshadowed by her other reporting, producing a certain disjointedness.”
“…her new book offers a superb overview of the history and context of the policy, the different applications of the policy in different circumstances, and the impact of the one-child policy not only in China but internationally, in the past, present, and future.”
“The book is especially timely, given the recent announcement that Chinese couples will now be allowed to have two children…she relates her own story of seeking treatment to conceive while covering China’s attempts to prevent its citizens from doing so. This first-person account sometimes distracts from the more compelling narrative.”