A cleverly plotted romantic thriller filled with scandalous twists and turns and a juicy central mystery, Ghosted proves impossible to put down as readers race to seek the closure and resolution (and perhaps the happy ending) that Walsh’s heroine so desperately desires. Deliciously addictive, surprising and sentimental, Ghosted is a must-read for fans of Liane Moriarty and Jojo Moyes, or any reader who knows that the course of true love never did run smooth.
Her quest to find him [Eddie] doesn’t border on obsession, it is obsession. Now, if you think as I do that perhaps Eddie has an extremely good reason for never contacting the stalkerish Sarah again, then you do not want to pick up Ghosted. But if you’re a nicer, more romantic soul, you might enjoy this book. Walsh has a good ear for dialogue, and the mystery behind Eddie’s disappearance is a particularly satisfying one.
It's happened to so many women: they have a fantastic connection with a guy and then he disappears ... Rosie Walsh's Ghosted takes this premise and refuses to let it go, in a gripping and surprising romantic suspense story ... the story takes a surprising turn. This novel is, at heart, a love story ... You won't want to put it down.
The writing is smooth and engaging; very rich, lyrical and even ornate. it’s perfumed with longing and romance, with the pain of feeling the absence of one’s partner. It is about true love, in all of its forms, about secrets, about children lost and found, infidelity and change. It’s very human and very beautiful; heedlessly romantic and deeply tragic, sometimes quite soapy and sometimes quite kitchen-sink real ... Only one thing didn’t work for me—the events at the very end of the book felt a little too fairytale, a little too wave-the-magic-wand-and-all-is-well. But some readers will adore this, and in the end it doesn’t detract from the novel’s enchanting whole ... an appealing jewel of a novel with some very surprising and captivating twists.
A perfectly paced domestic drama centered on two lovely, lonesome people, Ghosted is a brilliant debut novel that explores the power of fate. Writing like a British cousin of Liane Moriarty or Maria Semple, Walsh has a gift for blending complex characters, intricate backstories, and neck-snapping plot twists.
Little does she know that reason for Eddie’s radio silence might be worse than a cowardly breakup, and, indeed, the truth is gut-wrenching, truly surprising, and heartbreaking ... Though the ending comes abruptly, this tale of heartbreak will please readers who enjoy a good twist.
The barriers between Sarah and Eddie seem insurmountable at times, and although their issues are resolved in a tidy manner, the emotions behind their actions are always believable. Walsh has created a deeply moving romance with an intriguing mystery and a touching portrait of grief at its heart. A romantic, sad, and ultimately hopeful book that’s perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes.