In his urgent new book...journalist Eugene Linden gravely explains why the world has failed to stop the ongoing catastrophe of climate change ... Although this is a deeply serious subject, there is still much to be hopeful about, and Linden ends Fire and Flood on a positive note ... If you’ve ever wondered how we got here, this sobering and accessible history deftly outlines government failures, missed opportunities and the steps we can take to turn the tide.
In fascinating detail, Linden’s Fire and Flood tours the American scientific and political landscape that first grasped the fact of climate change and then forgot about it.
It hurts to read...this book and yet this in-depth, expertly researched, but eminently readable title should be on every person’s bookshelf. Linden combines his analysis with solutions as to where humanity should and may go, and those solutions should surprise, enrage, and enlighten readers ... Of the many books written on climate change and how humanity has gotten to where it is and where it needs to go, this is one of the most essential.
... nuanced ... Linden is candid in stating that this book will not appeal to climate change deniers (whom he is certain can no longer be persuaded), and his frustration is palpable over GOP administrations and their dogged support of fossil fuels regardless of scientific and economic research into the promise of renewable energy sources. The narrative’s rapid pace gives some events and laws short shrift, but in all this is a sound climate change policy overview.
Journalist Linden...pulls no punches in this urgent look at the causes and progression of climate change ...The outlook here is bleak and sobering ... The result is a damning account of the climate crisis.