Understandably, 50 Years of Ms. has been edited and curated so that the magazine is painted in the best possible light. As such, any of its missteps appear few and far between ... Elements of this compendium feel weirdly rooted in the past ... Still, the book contributes a lot more to the conversation than it ignores ... The recurring reader letters are fascinating and often powerful.
Thoughtfully curated and zestful ... This "best of" collection proceeds decade-by-decade, showcasing the magazine’s arresting covers, page layouts, and a treasury of rigorous, vibrant, insightful, witty, and powerful reporting, analysis, opinion, profiles, advice, poems, short stories, and those all-important letters.
The book, including pieces by Steinem, Barbara Ehrenreich, Alice Walker, Audre Lorde and other heavyweights, provides an essential look back while making an impassioned case for the critical role of feminist writing going forward.
A timely and thought-provoking collection of feminist essays, which shows how far society has come and how much work is left to do to obtain true gender equality.