The year is 2034 in Steven Pressfield’s dystopian thriller...and the world is taking a beating from climate change. Devastating super-storms are common, nighttime temperatures are in triple digits, and experts are predicting 'the end of human life on Earth within a generation.' Meanwhile, crime marches on ... Mr. Pressfield keeps the revelations coming at an apocalyptic pace in this page-turner, where the planet’s fate comes to hang by the thread of a single human life.
The story, told through Dewey’s case notes, is an absorbing take on good vs. evil, and disasters pulled from today’s headlines lend unsettling realism to the supernatural-tinged apocalyptic setting.
With its caustic sensibility, fast and furious action scenes, and brusque dialogue...the book boasts a lively comic-book sensibility ...
Cop mentality meets religious fanaticism meets the future in a highly entertaining pop noir.
Set in 2034, when global warming has pushed humankind to the brink of extinction, this un-put-downable apocalyptic thriller from steeped in Jewish eschatology ... While many narrative elements are noteworthy—the character depth, the powerful political and social commentary, the nonstop action, the breakneck pacing—it’s the author’s meticulously described and alarmingly realistic near-future Earth that will chill readers to their core. This dystopian cautionary tale stands as Pressfield’s most ambitious work to date.