The first book in a series featuring a wildlife biologist who courts trouble as she saves endangered species and a mysterious killer who buries his dead in the land she helps preserve.
... the combination of environmentalism, suspense, and action strategically placed throughout A Solitude of Wolverines makes this novel distinctly different than others in its respective genre ... While readers are able to learn about many aspects of conservationism such as camera trapping and facts on endangered species, readers are able to be a part of the many conflicts Alex faces while she spends her time in Montana. Throughout the novel, the relationships Alex makes with the very few trustworthy people in town fill the gaps between conservationism and action and reliability ... With the balanced amount of action, suspense, information, and relationships, A Solitude of Wolverines is filled with twists and turns that keep readers interested and engaged ... The twists and turns the reader experiences by the conclusion, along with Alex’s fierceness as the protagonist, keeps the reader turning the pages ... While a majority of A Solitude of Wolverines focuses on the conservation efforts of wildlife across the world, some of the information becomes tedious in this first instalment in the series. Through Alex’s character alone the reader can learn a lot of information about conservationism and wolverines. Having pages of chapters dedicated to explaining behavioural patterns and family dynamics of wolverines proves to be more than anticipated. However, Alex Carter is able to create her own version of the world around her while remaining accurate to the events in A Solitude of Wolverines.
It’s always a treat to read a thrilling first book in a new series and know that there will be many more good reads to anticipate. That is exactly what Alice Henderson’s A Solidtude of Wolverine's is ... crackles with exciting and engaging suspense, and you won’t want to put the book down as Alex races against unknown enemies to save not only herself, but also several animals in danger. A fascinating main character, a touch of romance, lots of action and a mysterious sniper who we know will be in future books all make this a mystery series you will want to keep reading.
Fans of ecological fiction will enjoy the juxtaposition of the natural environment with the best and worst of human nature in this exciting backwoods thriller.