Mr. Judis begins with what should be, but among many allegedly smart commentators isn’t, the obvious point that some nationalisms are healthy and some are pathological. 'Abraham Lincoln and Benito Mussolini were ardent nationalists' is his terse summation ... Mr. Judis writes, as usual, with clarity and wit, and his knowledge of modern politics in Europe and North America is vast. As in his volume on populism, also collected here, he makes a strong economic case for the nationalist impulse and all but ignores cultural conflicts leading sensible people to vote for nationalist candidates.
A sobering assessment of recent history as a string of poorly managed catastrophes ... The author projects that the class and geographical (urban vs. rural) divide is likely to grow, and with it, the problems he so cogently analyzes. Readers with an interest in global political trends will want to consult this skillfully argued book.
Talking Points Memo editor Judis compiles and updates his three most recent books in this lucid examination of political movements that have emerged in the U.S. and Europe over the past few decades in response to the failures of neoliberalism ... Though dry, Judis’s wide-ranging study draws informative connections between disparate world events. Readers will walk away with a firmer grasp on current affairs.