Ms. Raphael keeps up a jaunty pace in The Gospel of Wellness and mixes her metaphors with cheerful abandon ... She’s particularly good at pointing out the credulity of too many consumers.
With wit and a keen eye for research, Raphael explains that 'the wellness industry isn’t well' ... Raphael insightfully argues that wellness and health are industry code words that cloak their real meanings: thin ... Raphael attends many wellness events and speaks to industry leaders. Her descriptions of these interactions are where her writing shines most and comes alive. It’s also where the focus of the book comes into sharp view—where she shows the real human beings perpetuating the hype. All together, The Gospel of Wellness exposes the spectacle, the splendor and the emptiness behind the curtain.
Sharp and evocative ... Guides readers to a more critical consumerism and an understanding that systemic solutions and community focus are required. This astute and revealing investigation packs a punch.
Eye-opening ... Raphael delves incisively into the marketing techniques used by so-called wellness companies and finds a remarkable level of manipulative cynicism ... She hopes the pendulum will swing back toward a more sensible center; until then, it’s clear that she subscribes to a useful piece of old advice: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is ... Writing with authority and empathy, Raphael tells a disturbing story of taking a good thing and then overdoing it.