Could’ve been a coffee table full of banal inspirational phrases, but Jacobs unique take on gratitude delves so deep into the intricacies of coffee-making that it reveals the larger interconnectedness of society as a whole, and even reveals some of the glaring flaws of systemic injustice.
[A. J. Jacob's] candid tone and genuine curiosity lead to fascinating conversations and establish human connections that deliver satisfying jolts of perspective ... [a] slim offering.
Slim and less introspective ... [A] pleasant ode to interdependency, reminding us that much of our happiness relies on people we don’t know. That’s not music to the ears the autonomous souls who believe they reside at the center of the universe but is a blessed alternative to the monsoon of seasonal dreck that threatens to drown us all.
A novel idea, and it works as more than just a clever plot device thanks to the author’s typically conversational tone and self-deprecating examination of his own need to be more gracious. ... Thanks to the miracle of caffeine, the author delivers a stirring, nonpreachy sermon on gratitude.