...from page one I was amazed and horrified by the events that rock a small Maine town ... You can’t help but admire the way Ms. Roberts has written the villain in this piece, as warped and dangerous as they come ... There’s emotion after emotion on every page. A lot more characters are involved that pull at your heart strings as the years go by. The story and unfolding events are timely, unfortunately, in our world today ... It is eye-opening, heart-rending, and one of the best reads of the year.
...carefully paced, rendered in lively prose and supporting a handful of interesting subplots ... With its hidden and manipulative antagonist, Shelter in Place might remind some readers of Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes ... lively and thoughtful summer reading.
Roberts’ latest polished novel delivers all the literary touchstones her fans have come to expect, including high-stakes suspense, a generous dollop of romance, a thoughtful exploration of the strong bonds of family and friendship that women create for themselves, and, of course, some HGTV fixer-upper moments. As a significant bonus, the book’s chilling, brutal opening scenes should be required reading for any politician waffling on the issue of gun control.
I did start with a little bit of uncertainty but soon was drawn in by her storytelling and loving touch. While the story is based on a mass shooting, you soon get the romantic suspense story all Nora Roberts fans love ... Full of twists and turns sure to have your emotions on an all-time high of uncertainty, but with the romance Roberts is known for, Shelter in Place is a remarkable read.
...a real page-turner ... My main complaint about this book is that it's too long and there are way too many minor characters ... I highly recommend this book but be warned that there is a lot of graphic violence ... It's got a little bit of romance (very little compared to Nora's earlier books) and a lot of suspense and worth reading for the well-done plot.
Fascinating characters ... Roberts’ newest is part thriller, part romance, part survivors’ psychological study with a touch of New Age magic—and a lively, captivating read.
Roberts’s characters are serviceable, but real draw is the story, which has some welcome red herrings and a page-turning brio that elevates it above the average thriller.