Gripping ... Like every worthy thriller, Nesting keeps the reader guessing until the end. It is rare and refreshing to read a satisfyingly suspenseful novel that exists in such a domestic sphere.
One of those rare novels where the plot and writing are so powerful that a reader has to step away every now and then, just to breathe ... The book succeeds brilliantly at showing the manipulation, terror, confusion, and self-doubt of this sort of abuse—long before Ciara understands all of this herself.
Unbearably tense ... What is also striking is the novel’s dizzying speed, a reading experience more akin to devouring a thriller than a work of domestic realism.
Compulsive ... A minutely observed, heart-juddering drama ... Without relinquishing any tension, O’Donnell vindicates some of the reader’s fears – and, ultimately, hopes – for Ciara.