Acute empathy and insight ... I have never read a more informed and vividly rendered account of Peter’s daunting profession ... Documents an emotional odyssey that in the end feels satisfying and real, and Haslett’s account of Peter’s life is unparalleled in its portrayal of a worker on the front lines of our immigration wars buckling under the weight of his burden.
Masterful ... Adam Haslett’s storytelling on quietly magnificent display as Peter, slowly then more precipitously, begins to come undone ... The momentum of the novel builds as long-held misunderstandings and resentments come to the surface, illuminating the meaning of what it means to be a mother, and a son, and culminating with a great sense of a weight lifted, of lightness and air.
Haslett, who is one of the most psychologically astute fiction writers in America, complicates this novel beautifully ... There’s a strange tension in Haslett’s work between urgency and introspection. Try as you might, you cannot rush this novel. It will inevitably slacken your pace — not with boredom, but with wariness. His prose lies on the page with the intensity of a loosely coiled copperhead.
Too beautifully written to pass over; too smart about how secrets feed on time, perversely taking up more room in our lives as the years go by ... I fear I'm flattening Mothers and Sons into a melodrama, when, instead, it's Haslett's appreciation of the all-too-human mess of life that makes his writing so arresting; his characters and storylines so authentic ... An intricate, compelling novel about the power of stories and, especially, about the need to let go of those stories that keep people stuck. Maybe, in that sense, it's a fitting novel for the new year after all.
The prose is especially fine during Ann’s lengthy meditation sessions, in which Haslett reveals his expert sense of his characters ... Well-paced and elegantly written, Haslett’s latest is a haunting work.
Haslett has wisely concentrated his gifts, choosing to give only the perspectives of Peter and Ann, who have been estranged for many years. He has also embraced his predilection for back story by making the narratives people tell to explain themselves the subject of the novel itself ... Mothers and Sons is Haslett’s best novel. By limiting his area of inquiry, he achieves new levels of moral depth and narrative push. But he has not escaped old problems; in some ways he has entrenched them ... Everything fits, too neatly and tightly.
Haslett sets up this story with a delicacy that will not surprise anyone who read his beautiful 2016 novel ... But Mothers and Sons abandons much that makes it original as it settles into the familiar mold of the trauma narrative, in which a terrible, all-explanatory past event is revealed, leading to the damaged character’s recovery.
Haslett is one of those incandescently smart and elegant authors that the US seems to produce almost accidentally and to excess ... There is nothing obvious or easy in the way that Mothers and Sons comes together in its quiet and moving finale. This is a story that feels as deep and real as life itself – a beautiful portrait of a mother and son.
Tender ... Has a simple brilliance and charm, a subtle pull to delve deeper into the lives of these fraught characters and uncover the narratives we tell ourselves versus the truth. These are good people living ordinary lives, and it’s a pleasure to read about them.
Haslett is a writer of extraordinary strengths – he excels at an emotional undercurrent, the trancelike rhythms of routine and the cauterised numbness of trauma – whose architectural abilities, the skills required to craft the underlying tectonic structure of a story, seem strangely underdeveloped here ... It’s frustrating to read a work where significant gifts are spent on a story that doesn’t really go anywhere.
Ambiguities are beautifully and imaginatively caught ... Subtle ... A very delicately inflected novel, with all the balance of good chamber music. It is light, where it might have been heavy-handed, and explores the fact/fiction fault lines without resort to postmodern tricksiness.
The work of a superb craftsman at the top of his game ... Doesn’t completely succeed in this endeavor. Haslett’s representation of bourgeois family dynamics tends to subsume and limit his engagement with issues of social and political belonging ... But interpersonal connection has unpredictable and kinetic power in Mothers and Sons, and Haslett demonstrates repeatedly that Peter finds it hard to maintain the prophylactic detachment that informs both his legal practice and his sexual experience ... Haslett certainly recognizes this guilt and its effect on narrative, and, as Mothers and Sons demonstrates, he is still exploring different ways of diagnosing and representing it.
Superb, character-driven ... The characters come alive on the page, commanding readers’ attention. This novel is sure to receive accolades, and it richly deserves them.
He demonstrates once again his ability to produce graceful, emotionally affecting fiction whose characters’ struggles seem as real as those of people we know in our own lives ... Haslett’s prose is simultaneously efficient and evocative, so that the pleasures of this touching novel extend well beyond those that flow from engaging with a psychologically astute and well-told story.
Though the outlines of the novel suggest sentimental family-trauma fare, Haslett’s sophisticated grasp of the ways that people over-police their feelings makes it a remarkably acute and effective character study. A family-in-crisis story that keenly captures deep-seated fears and regrets.