Lies is everything you want in a thriller. It introduces memorable characters, moves quickly and is straightforward. It also combines real-world situations and passions with a touch of escapist literature, keeping the reader just a bit off-kilter throughout. You can recommend it not only to your friends who love thrillers but also to those whose tastes run elsewhere ... You will remember the name T. M. Logan, even if he never writes another book (though I certainly hope he does, and soon) ... There are plenty of twists, turns and misdirections throughout the novel, but the best ones involve Logan taking the reader’s own inherent perceptions and using them to turn things up a notch.
If you are consistently a fan of psychological thrillers that center around marital secrets and are in the market for a book in this vein to add to your TBR, Lies will be right up your alley; if, however, you prefer psychological thrillers that push boundaries and explore new grounds, this book will be best avoided. Much of Lies develops as we would expect it to ... Logan writes with swift pacing that lends itself to binge-reading. Despite some of my personal hesitations about this book, I would be remiss not to praise the book’s page-turning plotting—I devoured Lies in just a couple sittings, and found it to be a welcome escape from a stressful week ... So what made me so lukewarm about Lies? The vast majority of this book is inoffensive if a bit predictable at its worst ... With the book’s conclusion, the author seems determined to shock readers at any cost—no matter what has to be sacrificed. In this case, what’s sacrificed is logic and plotting. There’s just no rhyme or reason for the way Lies wraps up ... On the other hand, there’s absolutely no shame in simply wanting an entertaining and jaw-dropping finale, and if that describes you, you’re likely to find the Lies conclusion quite entertaining indeed—it certainly fulfills the shock value requirement and then some.
In a tensely woven eight-day cat-and-mouse chase, Logan's debut races readers through a fast-moving joyride of nerve-wracking suspense and intrigue that will challenge and surprise even the most devout enthusiasts of psychological thrillers.
A fast-paced debut that is as much about decisions (mostly bad) and their consequences as it is about deception ... A fairly standard formula with some good twists at the end, marred by generally unlikable characters and behaviors that are highly improbable, but the writing is strong.
Logan writes viscerally about the emotional devastation wrought by marital infidelity. Joe’s heartbreak and desolation are palpable, the tale cunningly exploits the paranoia that springs from fractured trust, and although Logan fails to fully earn his twisting plot’s final turn, the ending still packs a punch. British journalist Logan’s first foray into crime fiction is an adrenaline-fueled page-turner that explores the fragility of domestic bliss.