RaveThe Tampa Bay TimesThe world of In Other Rooms, Other Wonders is as much the feudal hinterland of Pakistan as the cosmopolitan cityscape of Karachi and Lahore. The eight stories revolve, in one way or the other, around K.K. Harouni, landowner of a vast estate in the southern Punjab province … Mueenuddin's atmospheric prose aptly captures South Asian nuances, not just in dialect and cultural habits, but also in modes of thinking and relating. That is reason to pick up this collection from a writer destined to win greater laurels.
Aravind Adiga
RaveThe Tampa Bay Times...a remarkably authentic portrayal of the life of the underdog — a representative of the many millions of Indians who live and die in mind-numbing deprivation … Adiga is so good at imagining the life of the outcast that the novel is an often scary reminder of the pitfalls of overlooking the plight of the underprivileged. When Balram drives his master around Gurgaon, the sight of scantily clad women is a shock to him — not just because women in the Darkness do not dress provocatively, but also because he is humiliated by his inability to have a slice of the ‘fast life’ … Adiga's debut novel is a highly realized work — a dazzling, brutal look at the unsavory side effects of India's rapidly globalizing economy.