PositiveUS Times Post... a powerful and genuinely original addition to the investigative journalism genre ... The tropes of the investigative reporter genre abound, and Pringle honestly gets to them ... It takes a lot of dogged reporting to uncover the truth of the Puliafito story, and Pringle describes it all in meticulous detail. Maybe a little too much. Few books have ever managed to convey just how tedious and frustrating investigative reporting can really be: there’s phone call after phone call, repeated property and criminal record checks revealing nada, multiple trips across town to get to the Knocking on the door of a potential source ends with bupkis ... Pringle has provided us with a book that shows how power works in Los Angeles, a city where a new breed of film noir corruption is thriving in our tech-economy landscape. It’s a city where the privileged do whatever it takes to protect their friends and allies, and where small bands of insurgents work tirelessly to expose their behavior.