RaveThe Irish Times\"I find her writing about her own mother so poignant and beautiful, about the model of motherhood that she had set for her, where love is intuitive and unconditional. We all want to be taken care of without asking for it, without even knowing that we do ... much of Jamison’s writing inhabits the spaces outside the binaries, instead fixing in the amorphous free spaces where love and tenderness coexist with incompatibility and loneliness. The book is filled with crystallised fluid pauses, of little moments when life turns one way or another. At times I would grow impatient, mumbling, ‘Just tell me what happens next’. But in Splinters, I also found that sometimes it is important to stay in the moments, in writing as in life ... I don’t know how to review a book so beautiful that it feels painful to share it with anyone else, so tender and raw that it feels sacrilegious to treat it as a mere piece of writing, with a writer so skillful and honest that it feels as if she is only writing for me.\