PanCurrent Affairs... it reads exactly like the kind of book a high level professional ghostwriter would produce, so if Donald Trump, Jr. did write it, he does an excellent imitation of a ghostwriter imitating him ... Much of Triggered is devoted to matters that I do not think anyone should care about ... Trump’s book depends for its effectiveness on distracting us with avoid confronting serious political questions like how to give everyone healthcare, housing, and good schools ... Many of the arguments in here are silly, but some accurate points are made ... The Democratic Party’s neoliberal turn means that Trump Jr. is able to produce a far more effective book than he would be able to if we still had the Party of FDR, which even Trump Jr. says nice things about ... While much of what Trump Jr. discusses in Triggered should have no interest for any morally serious person who is capable of staying focused on the issues that matter, sometimes he does find himself commenting on issues that have consequences outside of television, such as climate change ... I could begin picking apart Trump Jr.’s nonsense about the Green New Deal, but it would take ages and I sense Trump Jr. is not interested in a serious debate about climate policy ... Triggered is wrong about so much, but it is wrong in a very dangerous way. It accomplishes what it sets out to do: It humanizes Trump Jr. by telling self-deprecating anecdotes about his life and making him more than the two-dimensional \'rich kid\' figure of media portrayals.