RaveSignal HorizonTed Chiang is without any doubt, the most important science fiction author of our time ... Ted Chiang is an amazingly powerful writer, one who chooses to work in the science fiction genre because of what it allows him to do, and we are all better for it ... For someone who really doesn\'t even like science fiction, I would still recommend Exhalation. Again, the genre aspects of Chiang\'s work really isn\'t the draw here. Chiang has the ability to create fantastic worlds, yes, but there are hundreds of authors that can check that block. The real beauty of Exhalation isn\'t the world building, but rather what is accomplished in the world. Chiang uses his fiction to pose questions that are both heartfelt and profound, and then has both the skill and the faith in his readers to build in the space for you to explore those questions and maybe formulate some answers. This is as good as it gets and not only is this collection going to spin off two movies at this point, but it is the kind of fiction that deserves to be taught and explored for many years.