PositiveThe Times (UK)\"She is clearly an admirer. But even Macron-sceptics will admire the detachment and skill that she has brought to her task. Written with concise elegance, this is a good primer on the story so far ... The best chapter tells how Macron jumped ship from the decaying socialist government to set up En Marche! with a team of nerdy millennials and a few wise old heads ... In a book full of affection for France and hope for its leader, Pedder admits that melancholy is treated by the French as a badge of national identity. \'Optimism,\' says a disabused Candide in Voltaire’s novel, \'is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable.\' A bon mot, well picked as are so many of Pedder’s quotes. Perhaps her sequel will tell us how Macron proved Voltaire wrong.\