RaveThe Washington PostThis compelling book is the result of 17 years spent tracking these people down and verifying their stories ... To anyone familiar with health trends, these lessons will not be surprising. They include diet, exercise, stress reduction, social interaction, love, faith and finding your \'true self.\' But beyond this, the book is a sharp critique of Western medicine: its blind spots, its resistance to change and its very structure. Rediger proposes a sweeping overhaul of the practice of medicine, and he makes a darned good case for it. The history he recounts, the clinical trials he cites, the personal stories of people with real names lend his argument the force of a hurricane. When I finished the book, I ordered copies for friends and changed my grocery list ... As a messenger, Rediger has the right credentials...and his compassion permeates the pages of this book ... It’s an utterly persuasive message.