PositiveEntertainment WeeklyPatrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele, authors of the new book When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir, are self-described 'prison abolitionists.' And they hope their book will inspire readers to consider a society where jails aren’t necessary ... The pages reveal the racial profiling and police brutality that Khan-Cullors and her family have experienced, the circumstances that led to the formation of one of the most controversial civil rights movements, and the way in which her narrative of black liberation has been branded as 'terrorism' ... The two activists also discussed 'gender justice,' which stresses the importance of not devaluing the leadership of women. Khan-Cullors referenced black history icons such as Rosa Parks, Ella Baker, and Fannie Lou Hamer to demonstrate how the work of black women has often been overshadowed by men.