MixedThe Nerd DailyIt’s definitely an interesting battle and both characters match each other in intellectual wit, but for me, the romance fell somewhat flat ... chemistry wasn’t present ... This book does handle VERY strong situations like the loss of loved ones and all that comes with that so be careful before proceeding. Henry wrote this novel with an intense and very real understanding of just how much that can change someone’s life. It’s heart wrenchingly accurate. You will feel January’s sadness seep through the pages so be ready ... Many times I found scenes from January and Gus’s past were summarised rather than actually flashing back and painting a picture of what happened and I think this might have happened because both characters know what happened having been there when it happened, but unfortunately for the reader, we were not. I think that’s a missed opportunity ... However, I did end up falling in love with January’s philosophy on writing. Through all her tragedies, she was still able to find the beauty in another world, one of her own choosing and I loved that outlook ... I loved Henry’s writing and how she related the narrative to writing and how that nicely tied into both the characters and the story she was crafting. Unfortunately for me the romance got heavy too quick and in the process the cute witty sparring matches that opposites like January and Gus have that attribute to the fiery chemistry that people seek out in romantic comedies fell flat.