RaveLuna Luna\"Hannah Emerson has exploded cultural assumptions about how we should write, how we should communicate, and what it means to be alive ... Emerson uses repetition like a weaver at a loom, knotting the same words (kiss, try, breath, life, yes, yes, yes, please) together over and over in dozens of bright, unique poetic patterns. The resulting collection is cohesive and startling. It is moving—as a beautiful song is moving, yes, but also as a river moves, rushing toward a waterfall ... The poems are guided meditations, of a sort, with Emerson drawing the reader out of their trance and into the real world, which to her is grander, vaster, and freer than we all might realize ... In the crowded landscape of modern poetics, which often conflate obfuscation with artistry, The Kissing of Kissing stands out, stark and radical in its directness ... Emerson plays the imperative voice like an instrument, shifting its tone from forceful to didactic to pleading, always delivering, always impelling the reader forward.