RavePANK... ultimately a book I can’t quit, though I should probably mention up front that it’s not like I’ve tried or have ever had any real ambition to change this. Every reader has a book like this; a book that, for some inexplicable and intangible reasons, sinks its hooks into you in a way that few others can. It resonates with the fibrous strings of your core being ... when I read this book, it sounds like a conversation that’s already happening inside my head, only a bit smarter. The random stream-of-consciousness bits, the free associations, the digressive footnotes that run on for pages at a time — all of that is what it’s like to be inside my mind at any given moment ... responsible for showing me how to connect to and shape the world around me and bend its light to project through my own literary lens — even if it’s different and strange and unorthodox — to break \'rules\' that constrain imagination, and, perhaps most importantly, to always explore what I can do with my words as well as my stories, to connect to other people. To feel, as DFW stressed, less alone.