PositiveLondon Review of BooksIn a field dominated by shock tactics and deliberate quirkiness, Prep is a straightforward, serious, funny book ... There is so much that is right about this book. Sittenfeld captures the hothouse atmosphere of boarding-school ... Mostly, however, it’s Lee’s voice that makes all this worthwhile, filled with the dreamy quality that peaks in adolescence ... Prep characters don’t challenge any stereotypes, but in life there is always the most popular girl in school, there is always the First Love...just as there are events and rituals that act as catalysts and repositories for symbolism and opportunities for dénouement ... In Prep, these things all feel familiar and expected, but never tiresome. And if the end of the book seems long and full of goodbyes, with lots of ceremonies and last conversations, isn’t leaving school really like this, when the days are ‘sunny and endless’?