PositiveThe Guardian (UK)The House of Fortune is a worthy sequel, mature and thoughtful...There’s something comforting about its circularity...The plot would function without the reappearance of the miniaturist herself (she takes up scant page space, and we learn nothing new about her), but her little tokens unify the stories of Thea and Nella, invoking the past while hinting at the future...Hidebound Nella needs to break from convention; hotheaded Thea needs a greater sense of continuity: both must look backwards to move forward...There’s a fine line between comfort and stagnation, Burton warns us...As the inscription on Marin’s tomb proclaims, \'Things can change,\' and building a new life may include embracing what we always had...We can return home, Burton tells us; whatever our age, we can \'begin again with a seedling.\'