PositiveThe New York Times Book ReviewReich’s stories have a density to them: long paragraphs weighted with rich description, bricks placed carefully to build constructions capable of supporting the weight of history. But they do not make for labored reading. Rather, they build worlds worth returning to.
Allegra Hyde
RaveThe New York Times Book ReviewA beautiful parade of conceits that are all distinct and self-contained, but driving in essentially the same direction ... Climate fiction does not owe readers hope, but through humor and humanity Hyde manages to present a harsh reality without descending into despair, offering a space for mourning and for reimagining life in a permanently changed world. Each of the 15 stories is swiftly paced and engaging, rich with detail, highlighting and celebrating nature as it borders on the unnatural.
Alejandro Varela
RaveThe New York Times Book ReviewA master class in analyzing the unspoken ... Beneath the mundane surface conversation, tensions ebb and flow, assumptions are made and discarded, simple statements are read and reread and re-reread as the father navigates insults wrapped up as compliments and microaggressions so swift he at times doubts his own perception ... This collection delights in the layers of human interaction, and what might lie beneath them ... Varela illuminates our society’s Gordian knots with a seemingly effortless wit and empathy.