RaveLibrary JournalWith vivid imagery and unsettling familiarity, Thomas’s new collection features 14 stories that transport readers ... Thomas structures his stories to work in service of the theme and emotion that is at the heart of each. The writing is beautiful and poignant, each story requiring due attention and reflection ... Fans of science fiction, horror, and dark fiction will relish immersing themselves in this collection for all its grit, lyricism, and unquestionable profundity.
Matthew Lyons
PositiveLibrary JournalReaders will also appreciate the emotional elements in this atmospheric and terrifying book as the Talbots seek to save not only themselves but each other. The heartfelt allegiance between the siblings despite their complicated past increases the level to which readers will hold their breaths as they watch the terror unfold ... An uncomfortable sibling reunion quickly turns from bickering over the past to attempting to survive the present in this white-knuckle horror-thriller that readers won’t be able to put down.