RaveThe Washington PostA powerhouse of a book, a comprehensive and engaging study of the many ways that roads damage natural habitats ... Goldfarb delivers this stark assessment in a voice that’s engaging ... Tells the stories of men and women who are working to make our roads a little less deadly by tracking and aiding animal migrations.
Anders Gyllenhaal, Beverly Gyllenhaal
PositiveThe Washington PostNo jeremiad. The authors, retirees, tour the country in their refurbished Airstream and calmly and competently report their observations ... The book provides vivid portraits of people on the front lines ... A Wing and a Prayer does a fine job of laying out the basics of the story, but what is missing, at least for the first hundred pages or so, are actual birds ... Thankfully, as the book progresses, the authors take a break from their reporting to describe their own close encounters with their neighborhood barred owls and great blue herons — because it is this connection and intimacy that can lead to a strange but vital metamorphosis in which love is transformed into action. After all, if you don’t love a thing, you won’t fight for it.