RaveThe Women\'s Review of Books... [McMillan Cottom \'s] critically acclaimed second book displaying both her brilliance and keep-it-real demeanor ... Utilizing a dual lens of academic analysis and home-grown life experiences, McMillan Cottom challenges readers to consider the perspectives that hide behind the obvious ... McMillan masterfully utilizes wordplay in the title of each essay and throughout the book to reveal deeper meanings ... McMillan Cottom
challenges not only Black women’s intersections with white beauty but also their interactions with heterosexual Black masculinity and Black male investment in white beauty ... As McMillan unravels the layers of incompetency through a skillful interlocution between herself and herself as a scholar, the complete picture of how dangerous it is to measure one’s competence outside of oneself emerges ... McMillan Cottom really challenges the reader to rethink their perceptions of poverty and an assumed gateway to escape poverty.