RaveAll About Romance\"Hell Bent proffers a profusion of riches. As is true in every Bardugo book, the world building is meticulous, dense, and brilliant ... The gripping plot is full of clever twists, and the writing is vivid and intelligent, with moments of wit and humor. However, the standout aspect of the book are the well-developed characters, particularly the four murderers, who each have a rich backstory that allows the reader to understand and empathize with them as they navigate the challenges of their journey through hell.\
Nalini Singh
RaveAll About RomanceSingh pulls out all the tropes here: a moody heroine, a man with a clouded past, a hamlet hiding horrors, a heretofore unknown serial killer and, overall, does these oft stock mores deftly. Golden Cove’s residents are each written with nuance as are the complex relationships they share. Sex, power, money, and violence shape all in the town and with each successive chapter Singh erodes the veneers almost everyone in Golden Cove wears. I tore through this book. The mystery is compelling and Singh’s prose is evocative and precise ... If you’re looking for an atmospheric, beautifully written suspense novel with a soupcon of romance I highly recommend this book.