RaveThe Washington Post... remarkably, with her sensitive reporting and deeply human portrayals of Sam, Gabriela, Iris, Elana, Ben and Jay, Goldberg has created a work that not just documents a significant moment in time but helps us heal from it, too. For anyone seeking to understand, or remember, what New York and its hospitals were like in the spring of 2020, Life on the Line is essential reading ... the stories in Life on the Line offer a refreshingly different view of the pandemic than those eye-catching headlines and talk of war ... Goldberg skillfully places the hospital scenes in the larger context of American medicine and medical education. She is spot on in describing American medicine’s \'devotion to elitism masked by meritocracy\' and delineates how structural racism is embedded in medicine’s history ... The fresh medical graduates to whom Goldberg introduces us give me deep hope for the future of medicine as we begin to heal from this devastating crisis.