PositiveThe New RepublicBerry is not the type of chipper environmentalist who believes that capitalism can persist unabated as long as we install more solar panels. Nor is he the type of cerebral climate catastrophist who considers all action futile ... On the whole, this political ambivalence works to Berry’s advantage, allowing him a kind of broad appeal that few anti-capitalists or conservationists enjoy ... At times it is frustrating that political categories and ideologies as such rarely figure into his work, though he examines their effects. Wary of large-scale solutions and \'government planning,\' in World-Ending Fire, Berry repeatedly rails against \'bureaucrats\' ... But Berry reminds us that to take small solutions off the table is also a kind of giving up ... It is important—no matter what is going on at a macro level—to be kind to your family, your neighbors and the land.